Aluminium Windows
Modern, Stylish and Maintenance Free
Our Aluminium windows have come a long way over the past two decades. Gone are the days of bulky and obtrusive frames.
Today, Aluminium windows are not only designed to look good, but also to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. No matter what style of property, we can offer you a design of window to complement the architecture. From the simplest casement window to the grandest Victorian bay, we can create both traditional and individual looks for your home. Strong, secure aluminium construction means they’ll never rot, warp or require repainting; just an occasional wipe clean keeps them looking like new.

Aluminium windows are commonly used in the UK, and their popularity in such industries like Construction has increased rapidly over the years.
This should not come as a surprise if you consider Aluminium benefits, such as low-cost and easy maintenance. If you are in the planning stage of building or renovating your house, the one question inevitably to arise would be whether to buy single, double, or triple glazed windows, right? However, double and triple glazed windows cost more than single glazed windows.
Download brochureKey features and benefits:
- Meets the requirements of the new Part L of Building Regulations as standard
- Robust hardware with multiple locking points for reassuring security
- Up to 12% more glass area than a comparable window
- All assemblies, trims and cills for bay and bow windows
- Astragal bar option
- Flexible design allows almost any arrangement of top or side-hung sashes and fixed lights with no need for adaptors and dummy sashes
Call us on: 0114 698 5963 to find out more!
Our team are all fully trained so you can be assured the installation of your aluminium windows and doors will be of the highest quality.